Theeeeee CHEEEEEEEEEEEEZKIDS! Welcome to our membership page where you can sign up to recieve the best + a chance to win 500000 tickets to any theme park and an ipod touch.

Membership is £2.00 a month and it includes a free piece of "Chez" gear every month along with our newsletter, "Chezlee monthly" and the amazing "Takethatrbadbutchezkidsaregood" magazine. You will be able to connect to our social networking site and chat with our band members. You will be given a e-mail and a happy smile sticker too. So what are you waiting for. With this amazing package and a chance to win an ipod, you should be signing up straight away.

Please send an e-mail to Manager1234/\dragonslayer\3.1415/_darklord@trojanh


hehehehehehe.zt With the words. I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts followed by your name, adress and telephone number. Or you could simply text the word Antidisestablishmentareanism to 441231264736583748274923784928. Have fun! (If you ever get there that is!)